Resources for Residents
TSRA offers various resources for medical students, general surgery residents, and cardiothoracic surgery residents and fellows interested cardiothoracic surgery education.*
With the help of residents and senior faculty from around the country, TSRA will release a series of podcasts covering various adult cardiac, thoracic, and congenital heart surgery topics. This resource is similar to the popular TSRA Clinical Scenarios but in audio format. In each podcast a resident interviews an expert faculty regarding the background, work-up, surgical considerations and pertinent potential complications of a given condition. Podcasts can be accessed and streamed via SoundCloud here or through the SoundCloud app. TSRA plans to release 1-2 podcasts per month over the next several years, so please check the website regularly for new material.
TSRA Decision Algorithms in Cardiothoracic Surgery
TSRA Decision Algorithms in Cardiothoracic Surgery is available for all cardiothoracic surgery residents, present and future. This unique application, developed by residents and cardiothoracic surgery faculty, is a 100-chapter compendium with an individual algorithm on various topics to provide a foundation and framework of important cardiothoracic surgery topics with clinical decisions. TSRA Decision Algorithms in Cardiothoracic Surgery is available on Amazon.
TSRA Pocket Mentor
The purpose of the TSRA Pocket Mentor is to serve as a guide for cardiothoracic surgery residents throughout training and beyond. Written by residents, faculty and program directors, the TSRA Pocket Mentor covers an array of topics not found in a textbook – including valuable advice on how to find time to read and study, hone technical skills, find a mentor, conduct research, find a job, achieve early career success, and more. It also provides an extensive list of resources and opportunities for current trainees.
Click here to download your copy of the TSRA Pocket Mentor.
Please email with any comments or feedback.
TSRA Intern Survival Guide
The TSRA Intern Survival Guide is a valuable resource that provides helpful tips on managing common issues interns often encounter (e.g., hypertension, hypotension, chest pain, low urine output, etc), as well as steps for performing common bedside procedures, such as central venous catheter insertion or abscess drainage. The guide is not meant to be all-encompassing. It is a culled pool of personal experiences and resources from many residents and residency programs. It is meant to be a starting platform with basic advice and tips from which you can build upon and fill in any remaining gaps in knowledge and skills. To all of the interns, TSRA wishes you all the best as you embark on your training in cardiothoracic surgery.!
Click here to download your copy of the TSRA Intern Survival Guide.
TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Second Edition
The second edition of TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery, edited by the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association (TSRA) and authored by thoracic surgery residents in North American training programs, is a summary of critical information that cardiothoracic surgeons need to be familiar with. The second edition includes updated guidelines and additional chapters to offer a broad review of topics in general thoracic surgery, adult cardiac surgery, congenital cardiac surgery, and cardiothoracic trauma and critical care. The TSRA is an organization that represents all cardiothoracic surgery residents in the United States.
TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2nd Edition is available in the following formats:
- As a print book on Amazon.
- As an e-book for Kindle on Amazon.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Primer
Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Primer was created by surgeons, perfusionists, anesthesiologists, and nurses from the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, WA. Through this interdisciplinary perspective; residents, medical students, perfusionists, nurses, anesthesiologists, and anyone else in the operating room may gain new insight into this distinguishing technology.
The free book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
TSRA Multiple Choice Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery
This app allows the user to test their knowledge base by answering multiple choice questions in the major disciplines associated with thoracic surgery: adult cardiac surgery, congenital cardiac surgery, general thoracic surgery, and trauma and critical care. Each of the four disciplines is subdivided into important categories with about 10 questions for each subject. The user selects the best answer and is immediately notified if their choice was correct. The notification contains the correct answer and, usually, an explanation for the correct answer and the incorrect options. Answered questions are stored on the device as either answered correctly or answered incorrectly. This gives the user the opportunity to review their previous attempts. The questions can all be reset to allow the user to repeat the questions as needed.
TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery
The goal of TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery, edited by the TSRA and authored by more than 50 cardiothoracic surgery residents from different programs around the country, is to synthesize the breadth of information that a cardiothoracic surgeon has to be familiar with into a few hundred pages. The material is organized into four different sections: General Thoracic Surgery; Adult Cardiac Surgery; Congenital Cardiac Surgery; and Cardiothoracic Trauma and Critical Care.
The TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery is available in the following formats:
1. As a PDF file in English (free English download) and Turkish (free Turkish download).
2. As an e-book (.mobi, .epub) to use with various electronic platforms (Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Nook, Mac/PC, and other e-readers) (free download).
3. As a print book on Amazon.
4. As an e-book for Kindle on Amazon.
TSRA Primer of Cardiothoracic Surgery
The Primer is an integrated educational resource produced by residents, for residents, illustrating the fundamental concepts a new learner needs to become familiar with upon entering the arena of cardiothoracic surgery. It is a “primer,” and as such is tailored to the student in the neophyte stage of learning. The book is currently available on the iBookstore. Additional formats for Kindle, Android and other devices are in development.
Download the TSRA Primer of Cardiothoracic Surgery from iTunes now.
TSRA Clinical Scenarios in Cardiothoracic Surgery
This important resource completes the logical continuum of resident education aimed at the application of decision-making, surgical technique, and knowledge towards different clinical case scenarios. The goal of TSRAClinical Scenarios in Cardiothoracic Surgery is to review common, high-yield, and important scenarios that may surface during the course of a cardiothoracic surgeon’s practice in congenital, thoracic, or adult cardiac surgery. Like other TSRA projects, TSRA Clinical Scenarios in Cardiothoracic Surgery was written by residents for residents.
Contents of the book are organized into three major surgical sections: General Thoracic, Adult Cardiac, and Congenital Cardiac. Each chapter contains 10 sections designed to emulate possible conversation during the workup and treatment of a given patient: concept; chief complaint; differential, history and physical; tests; index scenario; treatment/management; operative steps; potential questions/alternative scenarios; and pearls/pitfalls.
TSRA Clinical Scenarios in Cardiothoracic Surgery is available in the following formats:
1. As a print book on Amazon.
2. As an e-book for Kindle on Amazon.
3. As an iPad and iPhone app through iTunes.
TSRA Operative Dictations in Cardiothoracic Surgery
This resource seeks to provide a review of the major steps of an operation, as well as a guide to the appropriate documentation of the conduct of that operation. TSRA hopes the text will be useful for both practicing surgeons and residents in training. While the list of operations included in the text is extensive it is not intended to be inclusive of the entire breadth of the field of cardiothoracic surgery. Additionally, the text provides descriptions of one approach to the operations included. TSRA acknowledges that the approach to a given operation may vary among surgeons and institutions. This text is not intended to establish a uniform ‘correct’ approach, nor is it intended as a surrogate for formal residency training.
TSRA Operative Dictations in Cardiothoracic Surgery is available in the following formats:
1. As a print book on Amazon.
2. As an e-book for Kindle on Amazon.
Fighting Fatigue
TSRA and TSDA are pleased to make available Fighting Fatigue: A Guide for Cardiothoracic Surgery Residents. This free download is provided to help cardiothoracic surgery residents navigate their way through long days and long nights throughout their training.
Click here to download your free copy.
Online Thoracic Oncology Course from the University of Michigan
This free online resource created by thoracic surgeons and oncologists at the University of Michigan provides a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary introduction to approaches in the care of patients with thoracic malignancies (encompassing lung and esophageal cancers). Didactic material covers epidemiology, screening and diagnosis, staging, imaging, radiation therapy, systemic therapy, surgery, psychiatry, and patient support topics. This is an on-demand course with integrated learning units that are focused on specific topics. Each unit contains several video lectures with interactive questions and is followed by a short quiz. The course is available at:
TSRA resources are provided as a basic guideline for the study of cardiothoracic surgery and should be used in conjunction with a variety of other educational references and resources. TSRA resources should not be construed as definitive study guides for either the TSDA In-Training Exam or the ABTS Part I (Written) and Part II (Oral) Certification Exams. TSRA makes no claims regarding the study guide’s value in preparing for, or its contribution toward performance on, either the TSDA In-Training Exam or the ABTS Certification Exams. TSRA resources are educational tools only and any medical decisions should be made only after discussions with appropriate healthcare providers.